

Posts Tagged ‘Feng Shui’

Want to Sell Your House Fast? Try Feng Shui to Beautify Spaces

Thursday, February 9th, 2012

They say it’s “a buyer’s market” now, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be the perfect time for you to sell your home. Still, it’s always good make your home more open, bright, and welcoming for potential buyers. What changes will make your home sell better? Consider the ancient Chinese art of feng shui.

Feng shui is a way of arranging spaces to allow the best possible flow of chi—positive life energy. If that sounds mystical and magical, well, on some levels, it is. Still, the most basic feng shui principles are quite practical, and they will make your home more beautiful and inviting. Some happy sellers swear by feng shui. You can try a few small changes—whichever ones appeal to you—or go all-out in search of the perfect flow of chi. Here are a few feng shui tips to get you started:

1. De-clutter. You’ve heard it again and again, but that’s because it works. Make sure there’s nothing in your home that you don’t use and love. Many sellers even put some of their belongings in storage while their homes are on the market. De-cluttering is the most important thing you can do to increase the flow of chi—and to help your potential buyers imagine themselves living harmoniously in your home.

2. Clear the way. Your front entrance can make or break the flow of chi—or the sale. If your home has a front yard, keep it tidy and beautiful. Mow the lawn, shovel the walk, trim the bushes and shrubs (especially if any are obscuring your front entrance), and keep everything as clear and lively as you can. Whether or not you have a yard, make sure the front entrance is clear, clean, and inviting.

3. Let the light shine in. Light is vital to the flow of chi, and to showing your potential buyers how beautiful your home is. Make sure every room is well lit, and with the most natural-feeling light you can get in. Let sunlight in wherever you can. Avoid florescent lights, which are harsh and can make sensitive people uncomfortable.

4. Take care of the three key rooms. Feng shui practitioners say that the most important rooms in your home are the kitchen, the bathrooms, and the bedrooms. The stove (the modern version of the hearth) is the most important part of the kitchen. Keep it clean, clutter-free, and in good repair. Keep bathroom doors and toilet lids closed to avoid “flushing away” positive energy. Go for a spa feel in the bathroom, using light colors, plenty of light, and an emphasis on water with blue hues and ocean themes. Keep bedrooms tidy and clutter-free, with no TV, exercise equipment, or work-related materials. Let your potential buyer imagine relaxing completely there.

As you can see, basic feng shui principles and common-sense home staging concepts go together hand in hand. If you’d like to go deeper into feng shui, you’ll find more beautiful ideas, some practical, and some surprising. You can visit the Institute of Feng Shui and Geopathology online to learn more.

The Staff at San Juan Realty, Inc.

245 Pine Drive Loghill Ridgway Colorado for sale

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