

Posts Tagged ‘home improvement’

Five Home Improvement Tips for End-of-Summer

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

With summer winding down, there’s not a lot for homeowners and landlords to do quite yet to prep for winter’s inevitable arrival. However, there are some quick projects you CAN do to make the transition from summer to fall easier and have your home winter-ready in a jiffy when the times comes! Here are 5 home improvement tips for end of summer to get you going:

  1. Air Filters – Changing the air filters in your home is an often overlooked yet highly beneficial task. Clean air filters mean your A/C and heater don’t have to work so hard to circulate the air, so check the size you need, head to the store and pop in news ones in 5 minutes or less!
  2. Weed Treatment – Now that the rainy season is dying down in many areas, an extra squirt of weed killer will have the chance to sink down into roots without being washed away. Killing weeds now means less work later and a happier yard come next Spring!
  3. Interior & Exterior Painting – Cooling temperatures not only make the taskĀ of painting more bearable but less humid temps will be better for the drying process. Grab a gallon, touch up some trim or repaint the exterior of your house one of these cool mornings. You’ll smile come Spring!
  4. Check Faucets and Gas Connections – Do a quick inventory for leaks on your exterior water faucets and all your home’s gas connections. Repairing now while the weather is favorable will not only save you maintenance in frigid temps but also avoid costly, dangerous and unnecessary overspending on leaks!
  5. Gardening Clean-Up – It’s prime time to weed flowerbeds and gardens and take an edger to your grass. The more tidying you do now, the easier it’ll be to keep things at bay and ready for your new yard passions when the snow thaws.

The Staff at San Juan Realty, Inc.

SJR August 13 2009 (1)

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