How to Choose a Realtor: Date Before You Marry!
Thursday, April 2nd, 2009It’s an odd thought, but business is the only place in our lives where we’ll eagerly accept the recommendation of a friend or a colleague in the decision making process. In the complex world of relationships, dating and marriage, we rarely accept blindly the advice of friends or family who say (before you ever met the other person): He/She is PERFECT for you! Being the free-thinking folks we are, we actually want to test the waters ourselves – meet for coffee or a drink, go out to dinner, find out what makes this guy or gal tick…
Why is it any different in business? We think it should be different.
When choosing a Realtor to help you in either the search for the perfect home/investment property or to help you sell your home, we think you should date before you marry. We’ve compiled a list of questions that will hopefully get you to the closing table with a Realtor that’s the ideal fit for you (not your neighbor or colleague) and provide the type of service that will not only meet – but exceed – your needs.
- Who’s your typical client? It really does matter who a Realtor generally services. Find out if they’re used to dealing with primary residence buyers, investors, those seeking commercial property or more on the property management side. Jack-of-all-Trades are rarely masters of any, and while it IS possible for Realtors in smaller communities to be able to effectively service a broader range of needs, knowing who they’re used to working with can help you ask better questions as you move along.
- What’s your service model? Are you going to be stuck shopping on the MLS yourself for your dream home and emailing them listings? Will they regularly send you updates of new homes they think you might like? If listing your home for sale, how will they market your listing? Will they take photos? Will they do a virtual tour of your home for the listing? Find out what Realtor is willing to not only earn – but put in the legwork – to help you achieve your buying and/or selling goals.
- How long have you worked in the area? Knowledge of the local market is imperative to ensure that you receive the best service possible. Just like a date who takes you to a best-kept-secret restaurant, you want a Realtor who will be able to help you uncover the hidden gems and give you ideas that you never considered.
These three questions alone will put you miles ahead of those who blindly choose a Realtor for their real estate needs. Now, this isn’t to say that you shouldn’t put value in the thoughts and experiences of those you trust when they tell you they’ve got a great Realtor for you! Our industry is one that thrives on referrals, but we’re always happy to answer questions about why you would want to consider us as your trusted partner in real estate! If you think of a question, any of our Realtors here at San Juan Realty, Inc. will be happy to find you an answer. Give us a first date, and we’ll show you the jewels of the San Juan region – and if you’re not looking to buy in these parts, hopefully your local Realtor will do the same!
The Staff at San Juan Realty, Inc.

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