

Posts Tagged ‘Telluride CO’

Foreclosures Down, Spirits Up? Real Estate News from Ouray, Ridgway, Montrose and Telluride CO

Thursday, December 11th, 2008

As reported by CNN Money, foreclosure filings dropped 7% from October this year – but is that true cause for applause? We’ve been chatting with our clients, buyer and sellers alike here in the San Juan region to get the scoop. Everyone here in the Montrose, Ridgway, Telluride and Ouray area is affected by the real estate market, but we took away some valuable thoughts from the that we wanted to share with you today:

  • It pays to make your house pretty – When looking to sell your home in this economy, you have to stand out from the masses. Do some painting, hang some curtains, clean-up those cluttered areas, hire a landscaper to come in and do a quick once-over on your yard. A few hundred dollars can mean the difference between a sale and a house that sits.
  • Be ready to negotiate – Whether a buyer or seller, you should be ready to have some discussions at the closing table. Speak with your Realtor about what the going trends are in the area for seller concessions and buyer requests.
  • Easy with the Christmas decorations – No one wants to move into the Grizzwald’s house (think Clark from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation).
  • Photos make a difference – When a property is listed, it just may be the most beautiful home on the block, but a bad picture won’t tell that story. Make sure your home’s listing photos are accurate and depict the cleanest view of your living space as possible.
Your real estate connection for Montrose, Ridgway, Ouray and Telluride CO


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