

Real Estate News

Your Retirement Home: Planning Ahead

Given the favorable prices on real estate these days, it’s no wonder that there’s a growing trend of folks buying their retirement dream home long before retirement time. You probably have an idea of where you’d like to retire to – maybe it’s somewhere you currently vacation or a place closer to your kids and grandchildren. Wherever it might be that you’re headed for your non-working years, here are some tips to keep in mind if you decide to shop for that retirement home in advance:

  • Know the market: Just because you vacation somewhere doesn’t know you know what’s reasonable and what’s not. Establish a relationship with a local Realtor who can keep an eye on things and alert you to properties that offer you the most bang for your buck.
  • Have a plan B: If you’re buying in advance, we all know life can change. Make sure you establish a plan for what you might do should your retirement goals change.
  • Know your financial threshold: Buying early means potentially two mortgages. Work with your financial planner, CPA or hash the numbers yourself to make sure you’re covered in case your financial picture changes.
With the leaves starting to change, we’re hoping to see more of you out and about. We have our local events calendar to keep you tuned in to everything going on in the San Juans and look forward to seeing you in the cooler days of Autumn!
The Staff at San Juan Realty, Inc.

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